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Realtek driver for ALC284 and Windows Vista 32bit

A complete list of available sound device drivers for Realtek ALC284. On this page, you will find all available drivers listed by release date for the Windows Vista 32bit operating system. From the following list, select any driver and try it on your device.

|Choose a driver version|Wählen Sie einen Treiberversion|Выберите версию драйвера|एक ड्राइवर संस्करण चुनें|Elija una versión del controlador|Escolha uma versão do driver|Επιλέξτε μια έκδοση του προγράμματος οδήγησης|选择一个驱动程序版本|ドライバのバージョンを選択してください|

Version (2.82)

OS Windows Vista 32bit
Release 2017-06-29 [June '17]
Status WHQL signature
File win7_win8_win81_win10_r282.exe
Downloaded 2374454×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

  • Realtek® High Definition Audio Function Driver
  • News:
    1. Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 WHQL Supporting:
More info
  • ALC221, ALC231, ALC233, ALC235, ALC236, ALC255, ALC256, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275, ALC276, ALC280, ALC282, ALC283, ALC284, ALC286, ALC290, ALC292, ALC293, ALC383, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC667, ALC668, ALC670, ALC671, ALC672, ALC676, ALC680, ALC861VD, ALC867, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC886, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899 and ALC900
  • 2. HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices
  • 3. OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
  • 4. Add/Fix:
    • Customizations
    • Bug fix
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Version (2.81)

OS Windows Vista 32bit
Release 2017-01-11 [January '17]
Status WHQL signature
File win7_win8_win81_win10_r281.exe
Downloaded 232916×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

  • Realtek® High Definition Audio Function Driver
  • News:
    1. Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 WHQL Supporting:
More info
  • ALC221, ALC231, ALC233, ALC235, ALC236, ALC255, ALC256, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275, ALC276, ALC280, ALC282, ALC283, ALC284, ALC286, ALC290, ALC292, ALC293, ALC383, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC667, ALC668, ALC670, ALC671, ALC672, ALC676, ALC680, ALC861VD, ALC867, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC886, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899 and ALC900
  • 2. HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices
  • 3. OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
  • 4. Add/Fix:
    • Customizations
    • Bug fix
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Version (2.80)

OS Windows Vista 32bit
Release 2016-12-02 [December '16]
Status WHQL signature
File win7_win8_win81_win10_r280.exe
Downloaded 31312×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

  • Realtek® High Definition Audio Function Driver
  • News:
    1. Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 WHQL Supporting:
More info
  • ALC221, ALC231, ALC233, ALC235, ALC236, ALC255, ALC256, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275, ALC276, ALC280, ALC282, ALC283, ALC284, ALC286, ALC290, ALC292, ALC293, ALC383, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC667, ALC668, ALC670, ALC671, ALC672, ALC676, ALC680, ALC861VD, ALC867, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC886, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899 and ALC900
  • 2. HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices
  • 3. OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
  • 4. Add/Fix:
    • Customizations
    • Bug fix
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Version (2.79)

OS Windows Vista 32bit
Release 2015-06-23 [June '15]
Status WHQL signature
File win7_win8_win81_win10_r279.exe
Downloaded 33300×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

  • Realtek® High Definition Audio Function Driver
  • News:
    1. Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 WHQL Supporting:
More info
  • ALC221, ALC231, ALC233, ALC235, ALC236, ALC255, ALC256, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275, ALC276, ALC280, ALC282, ALC283, ALC284, ALC286, ALC290, ALC292, ALC293, ALC383, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC667, ALC668, ALC670, ALC671, ALC672, ALC676, ALC680, ALC861VD, ALC867, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC886, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899 and ALC900
  • 2. HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices
  • 3. OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
  • 4. Add/Fix:
    • Customizations
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Version (2.78)

OS Windows Vista 32bit
Release 2015-05-20 [May '15]
Status WHQL signature
File win7_win8_win81_win10_r278.exe
Downloaded 10788×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

  • Realtek® High Definition Audio Function Driver
  • News:
    1. Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 WHQL Supporting:
More info
  • ALC221, ALC231, ALC233, ALC235, ALC236, ALC255, ALC256, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275, ALC276, ALC280, ALC282, ALC283, ALC284, ALC286, ALC290, ALC292, ALC293, ALC383, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC667, ALC668, ALC670, ALC671, ALC672, ALC676, ALC680, ALC861VD, ALC867, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC886, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899 and ALC900
  • 2. HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices
  • 3. OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
  • 4. Add/Fix:
    • Customizations
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Version (2.77)

OS Windows Vista 32bit
Release 2015-05-07 [May '15]
Status WHQL signature
File win7_win8_win81_win10_r277.exe
Downloaded 18800×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

  • Realtek® High Definition Audio Function Driver
  • News:
    1. Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 WHQL Supporting:
More info
  • ALC221, ALC231, ALC233, ALC235, ALC236, ALC255, ALC256, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275, ALC276, ALC280, ALC282, ALC283, ALC284, ALC286, ALC290, ALC292, ALC293, ALC383, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC667, ALC668, ALC670, ALC671, ALC672, ALC676, ALC680, ALC861VD, ALC867, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC886, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899 and ALC900
  • 2. HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices
  • 3. OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
  • 4. Add/Fix:
    • Customizations
    • Support Windows 10
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Version (2.76)

OS Windows Vista 32bit
Release 2015-04-16 [April '15]
Status WHQL signature
File win7_win8_win81_r276.exe
Downloaded 2367×

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  • Realtek® High Definition Audio Function Driver
  • News:
    1. Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 WHQL Supporting:
More info
  • ALC221, ALC231, ALC233, ALC235, ALC236, ALC255, ALC256, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275, ALC276, ALC280, ALC282, ALC283, ALC284, ALC286, ALC290, ALC292, ALC293, ALC383, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC667, ALC668, ALC670, ALC671, ALC672, ALC676, ALC680, ALC861VD, ALC867, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC886, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899 and ALC900
  • 2. HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices
  • 3. OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
  • 4. Add/Fix:
    • Customizations
    • Add Codec ALC667, ALC256, ALC236, ALC293
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Version (2.75)

OS Windows Vista 32bit
Release 2014-05-20 [May '14]
Status WHQL signature
File win7_win8_win81_r275.exe
Downloaded 3089×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

  • Realtek® High Definition Audio Function Driver
  • News:
    1. Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 WHQL Supporting:
More info
  • ALC221, ALC231, ALC233, ALC235, ALC255, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275, ALC276, ALC280, ALC282, ALC283, ALC284, ALC286, ALC290, ALC292, ALC383, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC668, ALC670, ALC671, ALC672, ALC676, ALC680, ALC861VD, ALC867, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC886, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899 and ALC900
  • 2. HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices
  • 3. OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
  • 4. Add/Fix:
    • Customizations
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Version (2.74)

OS Windows Vista 32bit
Release 2014-05-09 [May '14]
Status WHQL signature
File win7_win8_win81_r274.exe
Downloaded 1541×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

  • Realtek® High Definition Audio Function Driver
  • News:
    1. Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 WHQL Supporting:
More info
  • ALC221, ALC231, ALC233, ALC235, ALC255, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275, ALC276, ALC280, ALC282, ALC283, ALC284, ALC286, ALC290, ALC292, ALC383, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC668, ALC670, ALC671, ALC672, ALC676, ALC680, ALC861VD, ALC867, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC886, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899 and ALC900
  • 2. HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices
  • 3. OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
  • 4. Add/Fix:
    • Customizations
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Version (2.73)

OS Windows Vista 32bit
Release 2013-11-07 [November '13]
Status WHQL signature
File win7_win8_win81_r273.exe
Downloaded 8095×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

  • Realtek® High Definition Audio Function Driver
  • News:
    1. Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 WHQL Supporting:
More info
  • ALC221, ALC231, ALC233, ALC235, ALC255, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275, ALC276, ALC280, ALC282, ALC283, ALC284, ALC286, ALC290, ALC292, ALC383, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC668, ALC670, ALC671, ALC672, ALC676, ALC680, ALC861VD, ALC867, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC886, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899 and ALC900
  • 2. HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices
  • 3. OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
  • 4. Add/Fix:
    • Customizations
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Version (2.72)

OS Windows Vista 32bit
Release 2013-10-24 [October '13]
Status WHQL signature
File win7_win8_win81_r272.exe
Downloaded 1045944×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

  • Realtek® High Definition Audio Function Driver
  • News:
    1. Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 WHQL Supporting:
More info
  • ALC221, ALC231, ALC233, ALC235, ALC255, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275, ALC276, ALC280, ALC282, ALC283, ALC284, ALC286, ALC290, ALC292, ALC383, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC668, ALC670, ALC671, ALC672, ALC676, ALC680, ALC861VD, ALC867, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC886, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899 and ALC900
  • 2. HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices
  • 3. OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
  • 4. Add/Fix:
    • Customizations
    • Add Codec ALC255, ALC235 and ALC867
    • Support Windows 8.1
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Latest Windows 7 64bit drivers

Version Date Downloads
7.59.0308.2021 2021-06-21 5418×  
10.0.17134.21307 2018-08-24 23878×  
7.118.0511.2018 2018-05-28 752216×  
7.117.0328.2018 2018-05-21 29589×  
10.0.17134.21306 2018-05-14 862×  

Latest Windows 10 64bit drivers

Version Date Downloads
10.49.1223.2021 2021-12-20 7729×  
10.0.22000.21353 2021-11-24 5687×  
10.0.22000.21352 2021-10-11 160×  
10.48.0914.2021 2021-09-23 570×  
10.47.0818.2021 2021-08-24 134×  

Latest Windows 11 64bit drivers

Version Date Downloads
10.0.22000.21353 2021-11-24 5687×  
10.0.22000.21352 2021-10-11 160×  
10.47.0818.2021 2021-08-24 134×  
10.0.22000.21350 2021-08-06 405×  
115x.02.0716.2021 2021-06-30 43×  

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